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This is a journal about my journey into the world of "e-learning". Each week I will try out different E Learning tools and critique them . I will reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. I hope to narrow the list down to a top 4 or 5 that I would then use with my class.

Please join me on my learning journey. Let me know your thoughts on my reflections and whether you agree or disagree with my assessments.

Mrs Daisy

Friday, July 30, 2010

Week 5 - Digital Video

I have just attempted to upload a video of a farm stay I took with my family last year. This movie was made by my then 5 year old daughter using the photos she took with her own camera to show her prep class as she missed a few days from school to go to the farm.
We were shown in Art (one of our first subjects at Uni last year) how to use Windows Movie Maker it really is so easy to use and my daughter had a ball choosing the music and the titles for each photo.

However it was taking forever to load it up almost 20 minutes and it still wasn't up so I am not sure if that is what will happen all the time and my fears would be the time wasted waiting for things to upload to a virtual classroom or blog???

5 August update: I have just realised the size of the file is too big it is over 800kb so I will try my own and post that take a screen shot of it to post on the blog as suggested by Jacqui

In the spirt of the Big 6 I want to use my daughters creation as it just shows how easy some tools are to use and how beneficial they are in the classrooom. In Yesterdays lecture discussing how photos taken on an excursion then made into a video for parents to share and see what the children were doing on the excursion, the class to dicuss what they had, seen a permanent record to be used again and again.

I would be interested to know what KB can be uploaded to a virtual classroom as I think even the most basic movie will be larger than 51kb


  1. Hi Sarah,

    Being that the video is probably quite large the time its going to take to up load is going to be huge. Even if you just pick the best part of the video you like and just shorten it down I think you will be getting the same effect. Easier not harder my friend!

  2. Thanks Justin

    I have taken your advice and after consulting with Jackie have taken a screen shot of the video to show how it works.

  3. Hi Mrs Daisy
    I also experienced the same difficulty trying to upload a large file. I created another version and added text before the images to identify the information rather then adding pictures to tell the story. This may be the solution for the classroom as well to ensure that students are not just making a collection of images. The addition of text allows the user to explain the sequence of events or to tell a story.

  4. Hi Red Zebra

    Thanks for your comments and I agree. When Matilda created this video she used text to transition the photos so it told the story of our holiday. It was very simple and if a 5 year old can do it then anyone can! I think it will be simply experimentation but the ability for students to publish their own work and progressivley get more sophisticated with what they put together is exciting.

  5. Hi Miss Daisy

    I too experienced some difficulty uploading my clip. After your advice about reducing the size of the file, I reduced the size and "Error". Not being one to give up I tried again, changing the format to an avi file and "Error". Still not giving up I Googled "problems uploading video file to blogger" and read in the forums that it was an issue with the preview. I tried again, this time the original size and went straight to publish. Success!!

    This experience made me realise that as teachers requiring our students to publish movies and to place them on blogs and wikis, we must ensure that it is possible for them to do it. We need to trouble shoot, particularly with the younger students so their creativity doesn't get swamped by technical difficulties.

  6. Wow Juliet

    I am so pleased that you commented because I have specifcally be trying to look at the tools and how they would indeed work in the classroom and whether technical difficulutes would preclude me from using them.

    I totally agree that as teachers we cannot expect our students to use these tools wothout having first checked it is possible for them to achieve the outcome we want them to achieve without facing frustation of system and loading errors.

    Good on you for perservering a habit of mind we should be instilling in our students!
