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This is a journal about my journey into the world of "e-learning". Each week I will try out different E Learning tools and critique them . I will reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. I hope to narrow the list down to a top 4 or 5 that I would then use with my class.

Please join me on my learning journey. Let me know your thoughts on my reflections and whether you agree or disagree with my assessments.

Mrs Daisy

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 3- Prezi

Powerpoint as a presentation or information sharing tool is a tried and tested one but quite frankly death by powerpoint is a phrase that suits. I have used power point previously and have always found it useful but some what over used, especially all the sound effects and animations.

Prezi has shown me a way of sharing information with students in an interactive way. I felt a little sea sick when I first started looking at the Prezi presentations on the Moodle site and was unsure if I would use the tool but having learnt that using frames allows you to group like information together and avoid that sea sickneess feeling I will definately use it.

Students in upper primary and secondary are so used to using powerpoint that I think Prezi would be a fantastic digital tool for them. It is creative and interactive. It does require some experimenting to use at first but once the students had used the program a few times I believe they would be producing professional presentations in no time.

All the learning theory framworks we have been lookign at Engagements theory, Dol the big 6 all embrace the ideas of collaborative, creative thinking and Prezi certainly enables studnets to use those skills.

This is the Prezi I just created about E Learning (after signing up for the free educators version) just to see how it all worked.


  1. Hello Mrs Daisy
    I didn't get passed the sea sick feeling and wonder if this site (Prezi)is appropriate to use in the classroom. If you have a student with underlying conditions I wonder if it could cause health problems?
    Although I agree that powerpoints have been used extensively it does allow the students to discover how to use the tool on their own. The programmes included help functions which I rely on at most times myself. Powerpoints allow the students to represent information that they have synthesized. In an educational setting they still are an easy to use efective means of presentation.

  2. HI Red Zebra
    I certainly do not disagree that powerpoint is an effective and easy to use tool for students. What I do say in my blog is that iprezi could be intoiduced as an alternative to powerpoint and that upper primary students would find this tool engaging with its ability to " hide words in words" and allow all the information for their presentaion can be dispalyed on one screen.

    Prezi if used with frames stops that sea sickness feeling and the tutorials are easy to access and extremely helpful. I think what we need to do as teachers is to have an open mind to the use of digital tools and allow our students to experiment and decide for themselves

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