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This is a journal about my journey into the world of "e-learning". Each week I will try out different E Learning tools and critique them . I will reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. I hope to narrow the list down to a top 4 or 5 that I would then use with my class.

Please join me on my learning journey. Let me know your thoughts on my reflections and whether you agree or disagree with my assessments.

Mrs Daisy

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 1 - Concept Mind Map and The Big 6 Skills

This is my mind map about the weeks topics using bubbl.us.com. Once I got the hang of being able to move the bubbles to where I wanted them it was quite an easy, efficient tool. This tool would be great when brainstorming with students. More practice on my behalf would be needed to type quicky to create the bubbles if I was to use the program live. This could also be used by students in small groups to produce their own mind maps for a particular formative assessment piece to check groups were on the right track with the topic

Looking at the Big 6 Skills as this is a process model I feel this best framework is best suited to E learning and scaffolding learning when using E learning tools. I think the big 6 would work particulary well with something like a WebQuest where the students are given a task or question and need to investigate information to be able to complete the task or answer the question.

The 6 steps
1: Task definition
2: Information Seeking Strategies
3: Location and Access
4: Use of Inforamation
5: Synthesis
6: Evaluation

These skills are skills that are lifelong skills not just skills that are applied at school and never used again .The skills assist the students to define, gather, synthesise and evaluate the knowledge they are gaining and how they will then use that knowledge in the future. As Learning managers it is our role to prepare our students to think independantly as well as collaboratively and these skills lend them selves to both processes


  1. Hello Mrs Daisy
    I like your mind map and can see how this tool would be very benneficial in a classroom setting. I also agree that it would be very useful in a collaborative learning setting. Was the website www.bubbl.us.com?

  2. Hi Red Zebra, Yes the site is Bubbl.us.com. I looked at Text2Mindmap.com as well but preferred the style of mind map that Bubbl.us created.

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  4. Hi Mrs Daisy
    Sorry I have posted the above comment twice to your blog. You may wish to delete it.

  5. Thanks Red Zebra I found your comment in my digital video blog so thanks for the heads up!
