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This is a journal about my journey into the world of "e-learning". Each week I will try out different E Learning tools and critique them . I will reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. I hope to narrow the list down to a top 4 or 5 that I would then use with my class.

Please join me on my learning journey. Let me know your thoughts on my reflections and whether you agree or disagree with my assessments.

Mrs Daisy

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 7- Globes and Maps

Thinking more about accessing and gaining information in the classroom. I am thinking specifically of the accessibility in the classroom of Google Maps. Recently I used Google Maps for my students to find where the Eureka Rebellion occurred and specifically finding where the Stockade Monument is located.

The students knew that Eureka was in Ballarat in Victoria, so they were required to use a tourist map of a walking trail in Ballarat, follow the trail using Google Maps to pin point the exact location of the Monument providing street addresses. Most of the students then turned the map onto satellite and found the Eureka Museum in Eureka Stockade Park East Ballarat.

For me this enabled them to not only gain access to information but combined KLA skills for geography,history and Maths.

This tool has such scope using scribble maps for instance allows the students to place a grid over a real 3D map of places that they are familiar with rather than a flat 2d version in a text book.

Google Earth shows them places far removed from their own backyards, Google Lit Trips enables them to see into history. Why would we ever just teach mapping skills using only 2d flat maps or old globes.

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