
Get a Voki now!

This is a journal about my journey into the world of "e-learning". Each week I will try out different E Learning tools and critique them . I will reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. I hope to narrow the list down to a top 4 or 5 that I would then use with my class.

Please join me on my learning journey. Let me know your thoughts on my reflections and whether you agree or disagree with my assessments.

Mrs Daisy

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 5 - You Tube

To enable me to learn more about e learning tools I searched for a you tube video about wikis and blogs as I am still trying to get a handle on how wikis work if 2 students are working on them at the same time.
This is Wikis in Plain english. I love the explanations used in this format they are so simple to understand and this Digital Immigrant is now clearer about the Wiki editing process.

I have used You tube a number of times in my lesson plans in schools and have always found them to be engaging but tiresome to load so thanks to one of my Uni colleagues fFor sharing benderconvertor.com this allows you to convert you tube to other media types and save them to your usb to play in schools already loaded Hurray!!!


  1. Hello Miss Daisy

    In my earlier blog I had dismissed youtube as purely an engagement tool. As I was looking at your post and clip, starting to understand wiki's, I realised I had not thought about the value of instructional clips.

    I have found in the schools that youtube is blocked therefore downloading the clip is necessary. I use a firefox browser add on (download helper) to download clips... so far without any difficulty.

    Thanks for posting and reminding me the benefits of youtube.


  2. Thanks Juliet
    I must look at the clip downloader any tools I can use to make working within the confines fo the school platforms is appreciated!

    So far I have used You tube and Video from a purely instructional and educational basis and not for entertainment or fillers. This is possibly due to the upper primary classess I have been involved with where there is so little time ans so much to get done!

  3. Hello Mrs Daisy,
    I agree with the previous comment on how I was using YouTube as an engagement tool rather then an instructional tool. This YouTube clip is an excellent and clear video and actually helps me understand how to use Wikis better. If this was used in a classroom students would definitely be engaged (for students are extremely techonologically literate) and they would gain a clear understanding of how to use Wikis. Great video!
